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                                     SCHOOL LIBRARY

                         "GOOD HAND - RENT"


The school library is open on all teaching days from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am. until 2 p.m.


All students, teachers and parents of students can use the collections.

The library has 3690 volumes. These are compulsory and supplementary readings, scientific, popular science and information publications as well as numerous novels, stories, fairy tales, collections of poems and comics adapted to the age and interests of students.


In the current school year, the library invites you to participate in the following activities and competitions:

  • mornings with a book - for groups O and grades I-III, during which students will listen to the text being read and borrow  home book (to choose from: fairy tales, stories about animals, poems, riddles)

  • beautiful reading contest for grades I-III (deadline: February, March)

  • "School Reading Master" quiz for grades IV-VIII (as part of the school book day)

  • art competition - "My Favorite Literary Hero" for grades IV-VI (deadline: April, May)

  • art competition - design of the cover of a novel for young people for grades VI-VII (May, June)

  • action "All of Poland Reads to Children" - read and you (older students read to the youngest readers) (June date)


In addition, in the library, students borrow sets of textbooks and training materials.

In this regard, it is worth recalling that:

  • school textbooks are the property of the school

  • the school lends free textbooks and educational materials for the school year

  • the student is obliged to take care of the textbooks, put them in covers, sign them and not destroy them

  • return them to the library within the prescribed period after the end of educational activities at the end of the school year

  • in the event of loss or damage of the textbook, the student is obliged to redeem it

  • in the event that a student leaves school during the school year, he is obliged to return textbooks and training materials to the school library



In the library, students can make their own choice, benefit from "free access to shelves", as well as rely on professional advice provided by teachers, librarians, have the opportunity to spend their free time in the library and use assistance in gathering information, preparing information for classes or expanding knowledge according to your interests.


In the "School Silence Zone" in part of the library - students can  rest in peace and quiet, spend a long break, during which they can read any book, repeat the news for the next lesson.

Until the end of the school year:
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