School documents
The legal act which "defines the manner of conducting by public kindergartens, primary schools, lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, as well as public institutions, documentation of the course of teaching, educational and care activities and the types of this documentation" is the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of August 25, 2017. on the manner of keeping documentation of the course of teaching, educational and care activities by public kindergartens, schools and institutions and the types of such documentation (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1646).
Pursuant to Art. 60 of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the education system (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 256, item 2572, as amended, the latest Journal of Laws of 2011, No. 112, item 654), the statute is the most important act of internal law , regulates all areas of the facility. The first statute is passed
and gives the institution a founding organ. This document should be kept for the life of the facility.
Primary school keeps a book of records of children subject to the obligation referred to in art. 14 sec. 3 of the Act , and compulsory education, residing in the school circuit.
The school keeps a lesson diary for each department, which documents the course of teaching in a given school year.
Intra-school assessment of students may also be documented in a document other than the logbook, specified in the school statute, however, the annual (semester) grades and the assessment of behavior determined for the student are entered in the lesson journal.
The kindergarten, school and facility keep diaries of didactic and remedial and specialist classes and other activities, respectively, which are not entered in the kindergarten class diary, lesson diary, day-room diary and educational activities diary, if it is justified by the need to document the course of education, activities educational and caring.
The school keeps a student's grading sheet for each student throughout his or her education at that school.
The basis for an entry on the classification, promotion or graduation of a school by a student is a resolution of the pedagogical council, the date of which is entered in the student's grade sheet.
Students' exams should be documented in exam protocols in accordance with separate regulations.