• SCHOOL ADVISOR PROFESSIONAL - responsible person for the organization of i functioning
in-school career counseling system.
• The counselor helps students not only in learning about different professions.
Its task is to enable self-recognition of one's own professional predispositions
- interests, talents, temperament, self-evaluation of own actions and strengths
personality traits as well as, what is very important - to learn about contraindications
health services to choose an occupation and school. Changes in the labor market, the emergence of new ones
professions and the existing unemployment require skilled school graduates today
planning your own professional career, high mobility
and skills
Implementation educational and advisory tasks at school:
all factors that influence a professional decision
young people (i.e. professional predispositions,
specific developmental and health conditions
and psychological skills regarding the choice of profession) are included
in the in-school counseling system
professional. For the implementation of the tasks located
in- school counseling system
the entire teaching council is obliged,
whose support is provided by the school career counselor.
Kiedy iść do doradcy zawodowego?
* przed ukończeniem szkoły podstawowej,
* kiedy istnieje konieczność wyboru dalszego kierunku kształcenia;
* przed ukończeniem szkoły średniej,
*kiedy dokonuje się wyboru kierunku studiów lub szkoły policealnej;
* kiedy zachodzi konieczność zmiany pracy lub zawodu.